Tomorrow is the first day of a new month in an Ace & Jig season, and veteran Ace obsessives know what that means... Preorders for the next drop start at midnight EST!
Because preorder night is usually too hectic (and late!) for a lot of blogging, I will simply update this post with any news I get prior to launch, and any sites that appear to have posted their preorders online. See below for all the information currently available.
UPDATE: Most preorders are up now! See below for details.
Available Now:
Fashionkind has just posted a few items in Lunar and Solstice, including the Clifton Top in Lunar (above).

UPDATE: Most preorders are up now! See below for details.
Available Now:
Fashionkind has just posted a few items in Lunar and Solstice, including the Clifton Top in Lunar (above).
Accompany just dropped early! Find the Lunar Simone Dress, Suit-Up, and Ramona Skirt; and the Solstice Simone Dress (above) and Mesa Hooded Dress. Available for purchase NOW!
Mayer Wasner will have the Ojai Crop in Solstice, Ramona skirt in Ivy, Atwood Dress in Ivy, and the Simone Dress in Lunar as well. I'm told that they will be getting XS-XL, so buxom ladies rejoice! (Via their instagram posts.)
Nine Streets will be getting a broad selection of Ace as ever (I hope!) including the Teasdale, Ojai Crop, and Jo Midis in Ivy, and the Clifton Top in Lunar. (Via their instagram post.)
Covet & Lou has a wide selection as usual. EDIT: Seems even wider than the previously posted list! Thanks to a hot tip from the magical @coffee.tttalk, the full C&L list has been revealed!
Twoson will be getting the Ojai Crop in Ivy, among other things.
Le Souk Le Souk posted their items online at midnight PST (that's 3 am for you east-coasters!)
Life:Curated will have the Atwood Top and Teasdale Dress in Ivy, the Atwood Dress and Clifton Top in Madras, and the Ojai Crop in Lunar. Online at midnight EST. Images below!

Coming Soon:
Myth & Symbol will be getting the Ojai Crop and Atwood Dress in Ivy, though I don't know for sure when they will be posted...
So what do you have your eye on? 😉 And is lunar as sheer in person as it looks in accompany's photos? 😳